A description of Satan is found in Ezekiel chapter 28. The text is concerning the king of Tyre, but is obviously about a supernatural being. Ezekiel 28:12-14 describes a beautiful, wise being that was in the garden of God. It is about Satan. Verse 14 notes that he was a guardian Cherub.

The Bible describes the four Cherubim around the Throne of God. (In Hebrew “im” indicates the plural form of a word.) They have faces of birds, beasts, bulls and man, representing four animal kingdoms. (Ezekiel 1:10) They are described as “watchers”. It is possible that Satan was the fifth guardian Cherub.

There are several “fives” that relate to Satan. Isaiah 14:12 tells of the fall of Satan. The next verse, thirteen, apparently quotes Satan, and his plans to usurp the Lord’s place. In reading this text you will note the selfish word “I” in every sentence. There are five “I”s.

In the Revelation there are many groups of seven and many of them form Menorah designs. The Menorah is the seven-branched lampstand made according to specific instructions from the Lord. Of these groups of seven there are seven personages, seven Seals, seven Trumpets and seven Bowls of Wrath.

The fifth person is the Beast who rises from the sea (Revelation 13:1) The fifth Seal describes the Martyrs of the Beast. (Revelation 6:9) The fifth Trumpet tells of demon locusts who attack the followers of the Beast. (Revelation 9:1) The fifth Bowl of Wrath is poured on the throne of the Beast. (Revelation 16:10)

We are familiar with the pentagram, the five-pointed star within a circle that is used as a Satanic symbol. Apparently, this symbol was chosen by Satan because of its five points. Five must be the number of Satan.

It is thought that the number “five” also indicates the Grace of our Lord. This, too, could be an indication of God’s Grace in allowing Satan to live freely, rather than lock him in the eternal pit. I count a lot on the Grace of God. I thank Him for it. Praise His Name!

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