The four Living Creatures are first mentioned in the first chapter of Ezekiel where the prophet is describing a vision of the Living Creatures and the Glory of God. There is not a lot of information about these beings. The only mention of them in the New Testament is in the Revelation.

In Ezekiel each Living Creature is described as having four faces; the face of a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle. They are described slightly differently in the Revelation, each having a separate likeness. The first was like a lion, the second like an ox, the third like a man, and the fourth like an eagle. In the King James Version these created beings are sometimes called "watchers".

The four Living Creatures are created beings. It is thought that they are "watchers", or guardians, over a specific portion of Creation. The Living Creatures in the likeness of man, ox, lion and eagle watch over mankind, the domesticated beasts, the wild beasts and the birds of the air. This is conjecture. There is no scripture saying so.

Ezekiel chapter 28 describes another created being. This being is described as perfect in beauty, covered with precious jewels and being present in the Garden of Eden. This being is called a guardian cherub. This guardian cherub was on the holy mount of God, until wickedness was found in him. He was proud of his beauty and the Lord threw him to earth. It appears that this guardian cherub was Satan.

So over what was Satan guardian cherub? In the Bible Satan is described as a snake and a dragon. These creatures are reptiles and belong to the Saurus kingdom. Dinosaurs were of the Saurus kingdom.

It is possible that Satan was, at one time, the fifth Living Creature. This may explain what happened to the dinosaurs. Satan was the most magnificent of the created beings of the spiritual world. The dinosaurs were the greatest beings of the physical world. The dinosaurs simply lost their guardian when Satan was cast down to earth.

Five may be the number of Satan. This may also explain the Satanic symbol, the pentagram. The pentagram is a five-sided star. In the Revelation the fifth seal, fifth trumpet, fifth vial and fifth personage all deal with Satan or his representative, the Beast.

We are all susceptible to the sin of pride. Anytime we are tempted to pride, we should remember the glory that Satan lost because of his pride.

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