A New Look at the Revelation

The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

A scripture that I am fond of pointing out is Malachi 3:6, “I the Lord do not change.” Because we have lived so long in His grace, we forget that God has great power and great wrath. To understand the End Times we must remember the justifiable wrath of God. The world not only ignores the Creator God and Father of us all, the world also likes to pretend that we came from nothing. A lightning strike in a fetid pond somewhere “caused life to appear.” The Lord must be insulted. He is not only insulted; He is angry. Read Isaiah 63:1-6 to see how the Lord speaks of His anger and wrath.

This helps us to understand the dreadful events described in the Revelation. But how do the Children of Israel fit in? I am of the opinion that End Time events involve the Jews. When Jesus spoke to four of the Disciples on the Mount of Olives, He warned them against false Messiahs. Here, in the multi-layered Olivet Discourse, He was speaking to the Jews. Christians know who is the Messiah. This is one indication that End Time events affect the people of Israel. The Jews are still looking for the Messiah.

Jeremiah the prophet describes a future day that is so terrible, so horrific that there will be no other day like it. In Jeremiah 30:7 he calls it The Time of Jacob’s Trouble (or tribulation). Of course, Jacob is another name for Israel. Luke tells us that Jerusalem will be trampled on and controlled until the completion of the Times of the Gentiles (Luke 21:24). The Revelation 11:2 has similar language.

Now, my hope, belief and desire are that the Church will not be here for the Tribulation events. But, at the end of the Tribulation the Lord will reclaim Israel and Jerusalem, His favorite piece of real estate. In the process He will save a remnant of the people of Israel. But will the Lord do this for Israel? The answer is “Not really.”

The Lord explains this and His plan in Ezekiel 36:22-23; “Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went. And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes.”

So, when considering or studying the “Last Days,” the “End Times,” Old Testament prophecy, or the Revelation, remember that we Gentile Christians are a parenthetical insertion in the Lord's Plan. In the end He will restore Israel for His name's sake. The Church, I believe, will not be here but will be with the Lord. When the Lord completes His plan, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:10).

The Structure of the Revelation

For many years I have noted the similarities between the themes of the Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets and Seven Bowls of the Revelation. Here are some of the parallels:

1 - The First Seal reveals the False Messiah who will rule the earth. The First Trumpet and First Bowl are directed against the earth.

2 - The Second Seal signifies war involving the “sea of humanity” (Isaiah 57:20). The Second Trumpet and Second Bowl are directed against that sea.

3 - The Third Seal tells of famine. Without water, crops will fail and there will be famine. The Third Trumpet and Third Bowl are directed against the rivers, which supply much of the water needed for food production. Picture the Nile River.

The fourth position in these series of seven events should be the Servant Lamp position of the Menorah or Golden Lampstand. The similarities are more evident in these fourth events, but are opposite. It is as if it signifies the rebellion of the Last Days.

4 - The Servant Lamp position is normally represented by the Lord and His Son Jesus, who represent light and life. The Fourth Seal tells of death. This fourth position is the opposite of the Servant Lamp. The Fourth Trumpet announces the Sun, Moon and stars being darkened; the opposite of the Servant Lamp. The Fourth Bowl results in the Sun being disruptive and burning men. The series of fourth events are opposite to the Servant Lamp position.

5 - Five is the number of Satan. Please picture the five-pointed inverted star, the pentagram of Satan. The Fifth Seal tells of the martyrs of Satan. The Fifth Trumpet involves demonic locusts who are told to attack men without the seal of God, or those who follow Satan. The Fifth Bowl is poured out on the throne of the Satanic Beast from the Sea.

6 – Upon the opening of the Sixth Seal there is an earthquake, the Sun and Moon are darkened and the sky recedes like a scroll. The Sixth Trumpet announces 200 million Euphratean horsemen. The Sixth Bowl is poured on the Euphrates River to prepare the way for the “Kings of the East.” All of these occurrences indicate the approach of a major event.

7 – The Seventh Seal, Trumpet and Bowl are indications of that major event, absolute finality. In the Seventh Seal an angel threw a censer filled with fire upon the earth. The Seventh Trumpet announces “the kingdoms of this world have become (past tense) the kingdoms of our Lord . . . and He will reign forever.” With the Seventh Bowl it is simply stated, “It is done.” These all indicate the finality of the Lord’s judgments on earth and His sovereign rulership.

I have come to the conclusion that these series of seven parallel events form the structure for what is generically called the Tribulation, more accurately called The Time of Jacob’s Trouble. (Jeremiah 30:7) I believe these seven events describe the Wrath of God as directed by the three components of the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Seven Seals are all opened by the Lamb, Jesus. The Seven Trumpets were given to the angels who stand in the presence of God. (Revelation 8:2) The implication is that they were given the Trumpets by God.

After seven angels who were given the last plagues in Seven Golden Bowls came out of the Temple in Heaven, the Temple was filled with “smoke.” It is possible that this “smoke” represents the Holy Spirit, and the last plagues were directed by the Holy Spirit.

Before the Time of Jacob’s Trouble

Interspersed with these seven parallel events, are the things the Apostle John saw and recorded. Some are obviously prophetic, but are probably not chronological. John recorded the events as he was shown them, but they are not, I believe, in chronological order within the scenario of The Time of Jacob’s Trouble. Several visions described by John are clearly historic. Most of the remaining visions, I believe, occur before the final three and one-half years of what we call the Great Tribulation.

The first chapter of the Revelation introduces John the Apostle and the Person who reveals the prophecy, the Lord Jesus. Chapters two and three are seven letters dictated to John by Jesus to seven churches. It is the view of many Bible scholars that these seven churches represent periods in the history of the Church Age; the time from the beginning of the Church until the time the Lord Jesus calls His Church home. For more detail, please click HERE.

As stated above, I believe the Seven Seals, Trumpets and Golden Bowls form the structure of the Wrath of God and occur as simultaneous parallel events. I also strongly suspect that the interspersed visions seen by the Apostle John mostly occur before the justifiable Wrath of God.

The Prophet Jeremiah describes a time like no other. He uses the metaphor of a woman in labor, just as the Lord Jesus and the Prophet Isaiah did when they were speaking of End Time events. Jeremiah calls this The Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

I will not take part in the discussion of whether the “Tribulation” is three and one-half, or seven years long. I will, however, note that there are no seven-year periods found in the Revelation, but there are several periods of time that equal three and one-half years; 1,260 days, 42 months, or 3½ times.

Chapter four of the Revelation begins with John being called to Heaven “immediately” by a voice “like a trumpet.” What a picture of the catching away, or the Rapture! This chapter describes a Heavenly scene. Chapter five describes the search for someone worthy to open the sealed scroll, which is the title deed of earth, given up by man when he sinned. The one worthy is Jesus, the Lamb of God, the Redeemer, who begins the process by opening each seal.

Some of the visions of John are clearly historic. The woman, who I call “Mother Israel,” delivers a child, the Lord Jesus, who is “caught up” (Greek harpazo – the same word used to describe the Rapture) to Heaven. Meanwhile, the dragon, or Satan, sweeps one-third of the stars from Heaven, a possible (and only) indication of how many spiritual beings chose to follow Satan and rebel against the Lord. These visions appear to describe events that have all occurred in the past.

The Greek word thlipsis (Strong’s G2347) is used throughout the New Testament and is translated as tribulation, affliction or persecution. The Apostle Paul uses this word several times to describe the tribulations of his life. In chapter 1:9 John says he is our companion in the tribulation of this life. The Lord Jesus tells the Church in Smyrna (the persecuted Church) that He knows of their tribulation in this life.

Chapter 7:9-17 shows a great multitude of people from all nations. They are described as having washed their robes in the Blood of the Lamb. They are Christians. Regarding this multitude, because I believe this passage occurs before the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, and because it appears that this tribulation is the tribulation of this life, I believe the great multitude of Christians in chapter seven are the Church called home to Heaven, who have endured the tribulation of this life.

The Prophet Jeremiah described The Time of Jacob’s Trouble as a time like no other. But he assures us that Jacob (Israel) will be delivered out of this terrible time. In the Revelation there are many events that are of three and one-half years endurance. If The Time of Jacob’s Trouble is three and one-half years long, then many of these events described by the Apostle John begin at the initiation of this terrible time.

Here are events at the beginning in the order in which they were given to John:

All of these events described by the Apostle John must occur at or near the beginning of what we refer to as “the Tribulation.” The judgments of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will be carried out on those who dwell on earth. Then the end will come.

During the Time of Jacob’s Trouble

Continuing the theme of The Time of Jacob’s Trouble (and he will be saved out of it) the last chapters of the Revelation agree completely with the Old Testament prophets. There will be “a king of fierce countenance” whose power will not be his own, and who will kill many during a time of peace. (Daniel 8:23-25) A mighty army from the north, Magog, will invade Israel and will be struck down on the mountains of Israel. (Ezekiel 39:1-4) Ultimately, all nations will be gathered against Jerusalem and it will be captured and plundered. Then the Lord Jesus will RETURN on the Mount of Olives (where He ascended in Acts 1:9-12) and will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords. (Zechariah 14:1-4, 12-13)

Our extremely patient Heavenly Father has endured the rebellion and blasphemy of mankind. When He chooses, he will exhibit His pent up wrath against this rebellion. And just as we see today, the world will retaliate against tiny Israel. (Remember the Gulf War? We were at war with Iraq, who then sent Scud missiles against Israel, a non-combatant.)

Two thousand years ago (two Millennial Days) the people of Israel rejected the promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus. Jesus foretold the desolation of Jerusalem, and said that He would not return until Israel says “Blessed is He who comes (or appears) in the Name of the Lord.” (Luke 13:34-35) The final capture and plundering of Jerusalem will result in Israel calling upon the Name of the Lord. Then the Lord Jesus will return, to the praise of His name.

The word translated as “church” appears 77 times in the New Testament. After the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches, concluding in chapter three, the church is not mentioned again in the Revelation. That is because, in my opinion, we will not be here, dwelling on earth. We are blessed to live in the age of God’s grace, but that will end when the Church is removed from the earth. The word “grace” only appears in the first chapter and the last chapter of the Revelation.

The Final Events

Here are the final events seen by the Apostle John and described by him in the Revelation. They are listed in the order recorded by John. I believe that all occur at the end of The Time of Jacob’s Trouble:

As much as I look forward to the Call of the Lord Jesus, I have concern for those who will be left to dwell on the earth during this time of trouble. Pray for the lost sheep. Pray for their salvation. And praise the Lord for His wonderful Grace toward all we sinners!

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